Monday 2 March 2015

The Benefit of eating Garlic

Lashuna : Garlic : Allium Sativum

Lashuna in Sanskrit is called garlic in English. Botanista say that is Allium sativum. 

According to Ayurveda this is Tikshna i.e.
very hot and sharp. Its Rasa (taste) and Vipaka (the final taste after the digestion is over) is Katu (Pungent). It is rather a sara (laxative) than a constipative. Due to its tikshna, katu and sara properties, this is very good for heart. This is snigdha (oily) and good for the health of the hair. This is a very good appetizer and digestive. As a very good quality aphrodisiac it has its own identity. It helps in fractured bone calcification. It provides youth full spirit and strength. 

This noble drug is highly praised by all the ancient scientists of Ayurveda, Even Maharshi Kashyap has written a special chapter only on Lashuna.

This is indicated in the management of skin disease, piles treatment, abdominal disorder, urino-genital disorder, worm, joint and neuro diseases, hiccough, running nose, asthma, cough etc.

It is a very good general Geriatric tonic or Rasayana.


Due to its tikshna, ushma, sara quality and Katu rasa n Vipaka, this is the first drug of choice of the cardiologists. It manages the dyslipidemia or hyperlipidemia. That is why this is Hridya or good for heart.

This is deepaniya (appetizer), Pachaniya (digestive), but guru (heavy) and snigdh (oily). Deepana, Pachana and Tikshna guna (quality) no where stops the process of metabolism and attains the ultimate final stage of metabolism (dhatu Poshana). The out put of Sukra Dhatu is facilitated by the presence of Snigdha and guru guna, because sukra is snigdha. That is why Lashuna is Vrishya (Aphrodisiac). 

Written by: Dr A P Nayak.